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So expensive lunch!!!
Posted on: Thursday, January 14, 2010 ( 3:45 PM )
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Lesson is in the morning for today!!!
The lecturer touch abit on law and taxpayers!
I was super blur in the morning when she's teaching.
When is break time, everyone is obviously awake!!!
Went Jolliebean with YeanShuen,Fishball,AhLye & Matthew.
I tried the Honeydew blended with soymilk,
speechless because i don't know what i
was trying to drink!!!!!
Fishball tried the Papaya blended with soymilk,
i took a sip from hers i don't find it nice,
after she drank she said not bad....
After break, lesson continue and i manage
to catch up what the lecturer was trying to say.
Everyone was like super dead when it comes to lesson time.
After school, is lunch time!!!!
Went 313 @Somerset with
Fishball,YeanShuen & Matthew.
Yes, Matthew is the only guy there...
It's difficult to move from place to place in a big group!!!
We were walking two by two outside centrepoint.
Elvia,Hana,Linda,Xuexue & Weiling was like
walking far ahead of us and they walk like super
duper fast the rest of us were like catching up with them.
Fishball & I was talking with Xuexue & YeanShuen,
so once we see green man we dash across the road
leaving Matthew and Yangyang behind,
& the rest still walking very fast ahead of us.
We shouted for them to wait for us....
Once we reached food republic at 313...
Hardly we could find 10seats that is joined together.
So, in the end we walk all the way to the back
found tables that are moveable....
Shifted the tables here and there,
settle down and the rest went to buy left
me,fishball & Matthew...(black society)
Because, when the three of us get tgt we
were always in black shirt and long jeans.
Our turn to order food, the three of us
had no idea what to eat and we walk almost
two round of the food court but our hand is empty.
In the end, Matthew and I order malay rice with curry.
Fishball went over to the chinese stall and order.
& guess what three of us were like "duh, so expensive!!!"
We rather go down to eat something worthable which
cost this price man!!!
My set cost me $3.90(rice,chicken,egg &curry gravy)
fishball set $5.70(prawn, & i forget what she order)
matthew set $6.00(curry& i forgot too).
After lunch roamed around 313 together,
chit-chatted, sit, laugh &
home sweet home!!!!! :DDDD

Kendra Ng


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Everyone calls me "Kendra", & i'm born on 280891.
I'm currently studying in Kaplan Singapore.
That's all you should know about me! :D

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