Last week the class was full until,
there are not enough seat!!!!
This week, there are like more than 20 empty seats.
Thus, this shows that there's something wrong
with the lecturer's teaching!!! :(
Mary Tan's is sometimes hilarious!!!!
After break, there's this group of 5-6 people
always return to class late so Mary Tan lock
all the 4 doors and when they came back
they knock and knock on the door!!!!
Mary wrote a promise letter and got them to sign on it!!!
& the whole class was like laughing at them.
Just as you know, when is lesson time everyone
are like half-dead.....
Serene, even left the class during break time...
Her lesson are too boring that all of us
could hardly understand what she's trying to explain.
Elvia's friend came back from HongKong,
& brought home-made pineapple tarts
which are really delicious....till Fishball ate
5 of them and Mary ate 2!!!! :DDDDDD
After lesson i'm like damn damn exhausted
for no reasons i don't know why!!!!