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First post of 2010!
Posted on: Friday, January 1, 2010 ( 10:27 PM )
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First post for 2010! - CHEERS!!!
Happy New Year READERS!!! :D
Count down at usual place every year!
I totally forget it was 31 Dec 2009 yesterday!
I think i was to engross with SUPER JUNIOR FULL HOUSE!
Till i was eating my dinner last evening,
my sister switch the channel where
Taiwan countdown party channel then i realise it
was coming to an end of 2009!!!
Went to aunt house today afternoon!
Ordered Pizza & KFC because my
little cousin wants and he is graving for Pizza.
I called up KFC first using my aunt's Hp.
So it went blah blah ( ask for postal code)
Then she continue asking for an
alternative phone number so i gave her
my aunt's house number.
Her house number is duplicated for two times.
So it means first four number is same as the
last four number.
When i told her the number, she was like
"Eh, serious leh? come'on give me your real number"
I continue, " yah, it is the real one why don't you give
me a call i shall pick up the phone!"
She said, okay okay don't bluff me leh!!!
I continue, "I'm serious!"
She said was laughing loudly into the phone!!!!
I was laughing out loud into the phone
together with her can you imagine it???!!!
Both of us was like retard!!!
So this means fast food often gets
prank call!!!!!HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHSS!!!

Kendra Ng


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Everyone calls me "Kendra", & i'm born on 280891.
I'm currently studying in Kaplan Singapore.
That's all you should know about me! :D

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Lyrics from the song "No Regret" by Kumi Koda.