Today is the last dayof 2009!
Believe it a not?? I cannot believe it either!
Time flies fast, thinking back when i was
deciding whether to take CAT course...
half a year have already gone by!!! :(
Though 2009 is not that bad for me!
I don't want to make any new year resolution!
Let nature take it course, i believe in "hard
work" will be paid off after i've taken my O's and N's.
I've taken decision not to work hard that year,
i told myself that i cannot regret because is
over already and i cannot do anything.(Although
i regret not studying hard for all the papers).
Now, what i've to do is to complete my course
and continue ACCA(degree)....as a part time student.
Find a job, & take every step slowly....
& savour the taste of some hard-ship!!!
Because if i tend to rush my life or juggle them at a risk,
i'll mess them up!!! Is best to take one step at a time! :)
A year older i've to be wiser!!!
Do not take things for granted, appreciate what i have!!!
Anyway, my laptop is back home now!
I can blog frequenly already!!! :D
Now, i rather to be in school then staying at home!
Because home is soso boring till i cannot stand it!
In school, there's friends & lecturer entertainment
but home is just the four walls, mother and my siblings!
That's all i wanna say!!!
Bye!~ i'm off to watch my SJ-M and Super Junior
videos!!!!!! (insert alot of happy face)