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So many type?
Posted on: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 ( 9:29 AM )
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I was sosososo tired yesterday!
Dont ask me why, when i board the bus..
I find myself a seat, sat down and i slept....
Luckily, i wake up at the correct bus-stop!!!
&& i was so blur after waking up from the short nap.
My original classroom was at level 4, 405....
I went to level 3, 305 and realise wrong level.
I took the lift one level up and went to RM 405,
wrong classroom choice stand in
front of the LCD TV SCREEN wait for my classroom
to appear and realise is 402...STUPID OR WHAT!!!
Message friends, change of classroom if not the rest
also blur blur one hahahahahahhahaah!!!!
I want to complain why Financial Reporting Standards(FRS) got
so many type one?????I'm only learning the basic (FRS1)only lor!!
There is still FRS 38 and etc, yesterday was 80% on theory...
& i almost fall asleep already, cannot imagine next few lesson!!!
I realise only after Weiling and Linda told me there's so many FRS!!
If not i would be like a happy little "ddodobird" living
in my own small accounting world!!!!!
After the lecturer teach, i was like yipppeeee i know
how to do and YS say if lets say the lecturer never explain
thoroughly you understand?....but quite true lah...
I told Ahlye if exam question is as easy as this how great!!!
Ahlye ask me daydream siahhh!!!!!!!
Gonna learn to be consistent in my work and score well!!!

Kendra Ng


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