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Few little perverts!
Posted on: Friday, January 22, 2010 ( 8:01 PM )
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Every week routine is like exactly the same
for me....I'm just counting down to the day i
receive my results through mail and email.
God blessed me although i'm not christian!
Lesson was pretty alright at the start,
crapped with Fishball & Yean Shuen...
When a familiar girl with her outstanding
skin colour which i mention previously came..
& our eyes changed direction from one another
to her just like when a pretty girl walk pass
a group of boys and the boys will go "fwah!"
At first, we thought we're the only ones who
was talking about this topic...but it exactly too
*undescribe-able*.....till everyone have to
talk about this HOTEST topic as if we were
like all perverts even though most of us are female!!!
Even her shoulders shine brightly too man!!!
Sitting a table behind her, & when right behind
her was people we knew although i don't know her
it was one of fishball's and matthew's friend, Emily!
We were sitting side by side with each other,
voice became louder and we all burst into laughter
together when we were pointing here and there...
It became that it's not the point that we are laughing
at her shiny part is when we look at one another
we will know what our brains will link to her!!!
Okay lah, enough already....we were not serious
as the previous few lesson because we were laughing
more than we were concentrating at that point of
time....At the last part of lesson, took out my phone to
record lecturer's lecture and then i'll go home and digest
it slowly by myself!!! :)))) & one question she took
37 minutes to lecture, and is like when everyone brains
were switch off!!!! :DDDDD

There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.

Kendra Ng


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Everyone calls me "Kendra", & i'm born on 280891.
I'm currently studying in Kaplan Singapore.
That's all you should know about me! :D

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